Sass For My Css

Sass For My Css

download (1).pngIn tech, as in.. in life, if you aren’t learning, you’re dying. The industry changes so fast that if you aren’t continuously working on your skills and you stop asking why and how Your knowledge becomes obsolete in just a few years.

I was a clumsy CSS writer. Until I met the guy named Sass

My clumsiness made my design flow not very explicit. My rough time in CSS made me drink a whole lot more coffee (with snacks). And also a big Thanks to YouTube, Google, and Stack Overflow I’m a Nigerian, we are used to stress and pressure, so I became comfortable writing CSS that way, but then I thought to myself one day..omoooooooooo!!! man can’t continue like this.

So I gave Sass a try

Sass is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets(CSS). Sass Script is the scripting language itself. It allows you to use variables, mathematical operations, mixins, loops, functions, imports, and other interesting functionalities that make writing CSS much more powerful and stress-free.


Things you should know about SASS

● It's syntax is CSS friendly. ● It offers variables for whatever you want It uses nested syntax. ● It includes mixins (like defining a function). ● It has a large community and it's well documented. ● If you know SASS, you can customize Bootstrap 4😃

Have you ever wished to change an attribute value, for instance a color in your css stylesheet, and you had to search and replace those several times? But this guy Sass can allow you give a variable name to this attribute value, and it automatically affects the attribute value carrying this variable. Isn't that awesome ???🔥


Come to think of it a block style that is repeated can also be changed without stress using a mixin.


How I learned Sass A friend (David John) came by and shared with me an Udemy course on sass titled Advanced CSS and sass by JONAS SCHMEDTMAN (you can check him out on Twitter). That day I felt how blessed I was when I started my journey into styling with Sass. Well, I was used to command line I found it easy to blend in. The most interesting part was getting my hands dirty with the mixins and variables, very easy and fast to make changes. It was (it is still lol) my Css Superhero!!!!! CSS is hard and dry but with a little help of sass, it is fun.